This is Fine, I'm Fine Radio #1

This is Fine, I'm Fine Radio #1

When the quarantine hit, entire industries were effected almost immediately. Many people in creative and media-related industries were suddenly handcuffed by the inability to have live shoots, and while many of us scrambled to figure out remote solutions, we suddenly found ourselves — and many still — with a need for creative outlets on the internet. Artist like D-Nice and Questlove took to IG Live for sets, musicians were doing remote concerts and even late night shows and episodic streaming television innovated with nimble, remotely produced versions of their shows. I suddenly had time to make or find a playlist a day and similarly, my friends Jamie and Michelle, both entrenched creative professionals, turned to music as a creative outlet.

For the last twenty weeks, they’ve been doing an absolutely stellar live internet stream on Mixlr every Thursday at 5 PM . It features two hours of painstakingly crafted music from too many genres to list here, but always flowing smoothly and ALWAYS featuring tracks you’ve never heard that find an immediate spot among your favorites. While it has become a regular Thursday evening staple of quarantine Summer — and I recommend you tune in live — they’ve also posted each mix on to Spotify for repeat listening. I thought about pulling all of the tracks into one massive playlist, but that wouldn’t do them justice since they were intended to stand alone. So look out for them here over the next few months as I pepper all 20 — and future playlists — here for your listening pleasure.

Chale! Africa

Chale! Africa

Post-Punk For A New America

Post-Punk For A New America